

Such a weirdly proud feeling hanging out my freshly sugar-washed kit to get nice and crispy in the sun! Managing to get my weight down slowly slowly so need my kit as tight as possible. It would seem my bench shirt is doing its job already though; managed a cheeky PB yesterday morning…

Training was in the morning as it was Good Friday, had a really tough bench session down at the track. Warmed up to 45kg raw then put my shirt on for more warm ups at 50kg, 55kg, 60kg and some toughies at 65kg and 67.5kg. My coach really had me working hard under stress, with 70kg the bar I did a strict press, then immediately shaped up and did 65kg, and again for 60kg and 55kg. One after the other; immediate. More than anything my quads were on fire after the tough conditioning and deadlift sessions earlier in the week. Never have I known my legs so much in a bench session!

Next my coach was so so sneaky, he had be ready to do the same thing again which I completed with a lot of effort and some weird noises, but he’d sneakily got the loaders to put 72.5kg on the bar! Just goes to show it’s all in the head…I had no idea it was a PB attempt so I just went in same as normal and I got it, and more!

Finished the session with a couple more strict presses, attempting 75kg but only getting it with a little help from my coach. All of this was with a super tired body, so I think I’ve definitely got more in the bag. Really exhausting session, left me needing a nap which I’ve never needed after bench before. Was definitely happy to have a rest day today!

Been a little bit sneaky today myself and hidden some chocolate eggs around my housemate’s rooms… Unfortunately I can’t have any myself as I’m really determined to get into the 52kg class, but I love to treat other people so hopefully they appreciate the work of the house Easter bunny… 🙂 Happy Easter everyone! I’m hoping Easter Sunday will bring me some big squats!



BDFPA British Full Power


After spending all of Thursday evening preparing food and packing for my departure, Friday morning was relatively stress free prior to my departure, with only a few easy meals to prepare and some toiletries to pack. Weighed 52.7kg, so it was clear that my weight could go either way considering the previous two days of 53kg and 52.5kg, so I knew I had to be careful.

The journey up to the competition was slow but not too mind-numbing, got there in about 4 hours. I tried not to drink as much as I normally would, and when I ate I chewed slowly and stopped as soon as I was full even if that meant not finishing my meal. When we arrived I met up with my parents and grandparents which was lovely 🙂  They then went out for a pub meal, and I sat and drank a few cups of decaffeinated coffee… Oh the joys of weight classes.   A hot bath and early bed for me, managed to get a good 9 hours sleep despite my nerves!

On competition day I got up nice and early for a 7:30 weigh in. No food or water just a black coffee. Weighed in at 52.5kg, so well in my weight class and well on my way to my target weight for next week. Drinking and eating afterwards was a dream! Started the day off with a banana pancake made with banana, oats, whey protein and eggs. Also saw my brother for the first time since christmas, and met his delightful new lady friend which was nice 🙂

Lifting started at 9, being in a light weight class I was in flight 1 with about 9 others, 5 of which were in my weight class. It was nice to see a few people who I’d seen at the qualifier in Bournemouth, especially a very strong and lovely lady who’d been in the weight class below then, but has now moved up to my weight class. (Grr! 😉 )

Opened with 77.5kg on my squat with a dry mouth from nerves. My second attempt was 82.5kg which, according to onlookers, I pitched forward on slightly on the way up and subsequently failed. I then made a decision which was a mistake that I have now learnt from; being complacent and choosing 85kg for my next weight rather than staying at 82.5kg. I also thought that I could change my weight up to a minute before it being loaded, but then realised that was only for my first lift. All experience and learning I guess. So with my head still on the failure and not sure what to focus on, I failed my third attempt squat. I was never going to get it, my head wasn’t even in the room. Definitely something for me to work on; squatting under pressure. For me failing a squat is so much worse than failing on the bench or deadlift, and I’m not sure why.

I managed to gather my thoughts and go into my bench with a positive outlook; I opened with an easy 47.5kg and wowed the crowd with my back arch. I followed this with a 52.5kg press which was tough as I don’t think I engaged everything prior to the lift. It took some energy out of me as I then subsequently failed a 55kg lift; again I don’t think I was fully engaged. It didn’t phase me at all though, as a bodyweight bench press in competition has been a goal of mine for some time. So bench was a success!

Even more of a success was my deadlift. Warmed up to 95kg, to then do an opener of 97.5kg. Both of these felt a little tough but I think I am still used to kit lifting and the bar being quick off the floor. I also didn’t go into the lifts with much conviction as I thought they would be easy (silly me!) but after a quick chat with a lovely masters lifter I got in the zone. Pulled 102.5kg for my second lift. As this also felt tough for the same reasons I debated just going to 107.5kg, but I was assured that although it felt like it was taking ages to come off the floor it didn’t look that way from the outside. So I went for 110kg, a PB attempt. And I nailed it. It seemed to stop half way up, so when I’d finished the lift I was unsure whether it would be a good lift, but apparently it didn’t actually stop moving the whole way so I got 3 white lights! I really put my all into the lift and when it didn’t seem to want to come off the ground I let out a battle cry and that seemed to do the trick. I will upload a video soon.

After my deadlifts, the sense of relief was immense. I hadn’t been eating as I normally would throughout the morning, just having half meals whenever I could, and sipping a juice drink between lifts, so I needed to eat bad. Wolfed down my chicken and broccoli, and had a few other snacks then completely crashed and had to go and have a nap in the car. My brain played tricks on me and I dreamed that I still had deadlifts to go, so to wake up and remember I’d finished was yet another sigh of relief 🙂

Had a relaxing afternoon sat with my parents watching the heavier lifters, chatting to other lifters and snacking. I met some lifters who had been at the November competition but I hadn’t spoken to which was nice, I like that there’s a community of powerlifters from all over the country that meet up at competitions and support each other.

I found the atmosphere to not be quite as supportive as the Bournemouth competition in November, though this might have been for a number of reasons. Firstly, there were far fewer members of Bournemouth Barbell lifting at this competition, with only 3 of us there on the Saturday, where in November the majority of lifters were from Bournemouth Barbell, so obviously being among fellow club members would feel more supportive. Though saying this, the two members who were with me were very supportive and helpful, so a big thank you to them. Secondly, the commentating; the commentating seemed to be directed at the lifters and spotters, so the crowd were not as involved and ‘in the loop’, my parents said they found it hard to tell what the weight was and exactly who was lifting. Lastly, the size of the hall; while only slightly bigger than the Bournemouth venue, the ceiling was much higher, and much of the audience was seated behind a barrier of sorts so it was not quite as intimate.

The day ended with the presentation of prizes. To some of the organisers dismay many of the morning lifters had already collected their prizes and left, which I will not comment on. Each of the lifters was presented an identical trophy, regardless of their position in their group, and there were prizes for best male and female masters and open lifters. I managed to come 3rd in my category with a total of 240kg, a 5kg increase on my January total. I desperately wanted 250kg but I think that was a bit ambitious with my recent illness.

All in all a successful and enjoyable day of lifting, despite a few hiccups along the way. All experience in the bag, and now to look forward to the GBPF champs next weekend, where I will be competing equipped for the first time. April is a busy month!

Sunday in the dungeon 2


Such a beautiful day here in Bournemouth today, didn’t even need wear a coat while cycling to training for the first time in months and it was glorious.
Squats in the dungeon this morning, did singles and doubles from 90 up to 115kg which all went up easy. Then a massive PB of 117.5kg, which may or may not be to depth, but that’s for you to decide from the video! (Trained referees present reckon 2 to 1 vote either way). More to come for sure, my body is getting used to the massive stress of kit-lifting, I’m not even suffering from squat-death too much this afternoon. I’ve also found a guy who does wraps very gently but still gets them really tight, a gift from the heavens!
Finished the session with 5 at 90kg which were all deep and easy, then 2 at 100kg. Had aimed for 4 but my back said no. Chiro on friday put kinesio tape on my lower back which seems to have worked miracles in the last few days, but heavy squats seem to have set it off again a little.
Spent this afternoon in the garden with my housemates, a very pleasant afternoon in the sun chatting and chilling. Couldn’t ask for a better sunday really!


First time squatting raw in quite a while last night felt really strange, definitely a whole different ballgame to kit squatting. Took me a while to get into it, it felt really weird getting to the bottom of the squat and actually having to work to get out of the ‘hole’, but I got there in the end and had a good session of sets of 4. Started off at 70kg, then several sets at 74kg (we had random 2kg weights lying about so had to use them), and my final two sets at 76.5kg, a personal best. Finished the session with a few singles in kit, up to 107.5kg which felt really easy so I’m looking to surpass my PB of 112.5kg sometime soon.
Getting up for yoga at 5:30 this morning was a bit of a mission after the effort I put in last night, but I managed to get there and do the session. My body is definitely getting better at cooling itself down and I’m feeling an improvement in the depth of my stretches, even if I was particularly stiff this morning. Ended up crawling back into bed for an hour when I’d got home and had breakfast, but I had no real deadlines today, and knew I needed to be fresh for deadlifts tonight so it didn’t matter too much.
Training tonight was successful; didn’t do much deadlift as I’d planned, my legs were shot from yesterdays session so did 10 sets of 3 reps at just 65kg (60% of my PB), but with only a minutes rest between each set. A minute goes by really quickly when you’re resting!
Worked on the bench for the rest of my session, doing heavy doubles. Went from 45kg all the way up to 52.5kg; a personal best. Then ended the session with a big one: a touch-and-go 55kg! FInally working with more than my bodyweight, and I couldn’t be happier!

Edit: so reading through my posts it would appear I PB’d 55kg t&g on Tuesday but somehow forgot about it… still pleased!

Mega bench


Left my phone in the back of my coach’s car last night so had no way of setting an alarm this morning. Got 11 hours sleep, probably more than I needed but I doubt it’s done me any harm.
Training tonight worked me hard. Started with a little weight lifting, some cleans, front squats, back squats, presses and jerks to get me sweating and loosened up after last night’s deadlifts. Definitely got me nice and hot!
Next warmed up on the bench, and started with my 6 sets of 4 reps. Went 45, 47.5, 45, 47.5. First 47.5 was a mission, but was given the tip to keep my breath in until the bar is half way up, and the second 47.5 set went up a lot easier. Next set was 50 x1 quickly followed by 45 x 3, then 52.5 for one, followed by 47.5 for one, 45 for one then 40 to failure. Tough!
Finished the session with some work in a bench shirt, a lot looser than other shirts I’ve tried but seems to fit me a lot better. Got 50kg down onto my chest on first try, shirt working better for me already at this stage. Went 60, 65 then a PB paused 70kg as seen in the video above. Couldn’t be happier, considering how easy it was, how new I am to the bench shirt, and how hard I’d already worked.

Feeling a bit podgy at the moment, we shall see what the scale says tomorrow though! May have taken my increased carb diet a little overboard, but at least my training hasn’t suffered. Going to southampton for pancake day on tuesday, then after that I’m going to nip my carbs in a little bit and really make an effort to do my fasted walking in the morning. Then 2-3 weeks before comp switch back to the high-fat and hopefully drop back into my weight class!
Feeling frustrated that in November my end of day weight was 53kg with a similar diet and exercise routine to now. Obviously I have a lot more muscle now but I wonder what I was doing differently then because I really can’t pinpoint it!


First session of Bikram yoga yesterday was a new and exciting experience. I knew I was going to sweat and I prepared myself both mentally and physically, but I had no idea what it would actually feel like to drip sweat from every inch of my body for 90 minutes. Right from the start I didn’t even bother wiping the sweat as I knew it would just keep on coming. The session itself was more fast-paced than I was expecting and more focused on stretching further into the poses than relaxing into them, which was unexpected but a nice change from other yoga classes I’ve been to.
The feeling in my body throughout is only comparable to having a too-hot bath, in that I felt a little dizzy at times (less than expected though), I was hot and flustered and I could feel my heartbeat quite prominently throughout. There was only one point that I felt like I wanted to leave and that was in a moment of rest between poses. When I was concentrating on the poses it was easy to almost forget the raging heat.

I drank about a litre of water throughout and this was just enough, think I will be taking more next time. At times I felt a little hungry but I think this might have been dehydration as after I’d rehydrated post-session I felt a lot less hungry. Cycling home was a mission, I wasn’t muscularly tired, but just generally fatigued. After lunch and a short chill on the sofa I had a little nap, which only helped a little to relieve my feeling of fatigue.

Went to training which I maybe shouldn’t have done after my first session, but I want to get my body used to this added stressor. Coach had me deadlifting which was tough on my tired body. Though as he pointed out, sometimes sessions where you’re not fresh and have to work really hard are often more important than those where you feel great and get the work done easy. Deadlifting in my suit, warmed up to 90kg then did several sets of 3 reps between 90kg and 105kg. Very tough and made me very weary. I even failed a few of the lifts and had to drop the weight down for the next rep.

Finished up the session with a go in a bench shirt donated to the club by a previous member. Possibly the same shirt as the one I’d tried previously, but being used it was a little looser. It seemed to suit me better as I was able to get correct positioning better, and managed to get 65kg down onto my chest with a little more ease than the other shirt. Trying a slightly looser shirt today, but I think the one I tried yesterday may be the one I compete in.

Sunday in the dungeon


No training yesterday as I was at work, and unfortunately my gym doesn’t open early enough for me to get a session in beforehand. I guess it is positive that it does force me to have a rest day, as I have been known to go 10 days in a row without pause!
Kept my calories quite low to accommodate the lower activity level, but did treat myself to a little tub of wheyhey ice cream, high in protein with no sucrose. With 22g of protein per tub and sweetened with xylitol, it’s the perfect treat for weight-conscious ice-cream lovers like myself. Considering how clean it is compared with standard ice-cream, the consistency was pretty spot-on and the vanilla flavour was delicious. A little on the expensive side, but I would definitely recommend it to anyone looking for a guilt-free treat.
Training today was squats at one of our training facilities we call the ‘dungeon’. It’s small but functional. Warmed up to a single at 70kg raw, then into the squat suit. Worked with sets of 3, started at 80kg with no straps and no wraps, moving up to 105kg in 5kg increments, gradually adding and tightening wraps then adding straps and belt. Finished up the session with a PB squat of 112.5kg (see video above). Didn’t feel nice, rounded my back a little on the way up, but at the end of the day I got it up and that’s the aim of the game!
Missing my brother at the moment, he who introduced me to the ways of the iron. We talk online everyday and discuss training, nutrition and achievements but it would be nice to train with him again soon!



Woke up with a burst blood vessel in my eye from the pressure of the bench shirt last night, along with bruising that looks like freckles on my shoulders, and various unsightly pressure marks on my chest and arms. Almost feeling lucky to be single, don’t know any men that would be attracted to such a mess on my skin haha. Have to say I’m quite proud of the burst blood vessel in my eye, shows I’m trying! Though I have had to ask on my mum’s behalf whether my eyeballs risk explosion, but my coach assures me they don’t, but we do need to be careful.
Hard deadlift session tonight, warmed up to 70kg raw then put the wide-stance squat suit on for 80kg+. 10 singles at 85kg with 20 seconds maximum rest between lifts, followed by 8 at 90kg and 7 at 95kg with the same protocol.
All throughout I worked with my coach and another experienced lifter on rotating my scapula back during my setup, to minimise the amount I need to do so at the top of the lift (ideally none). Managed to substantially improve on this throughout the session, still not perfect yet though. Next on the improvement list is potentially setting my hips a little higher before the lift, but that’s work for another day.
Finished up the session with singles; 100kg, 105kg, 110kg and finally a PB deadlift of 115kg. Can’t beat a 5kg PB. See video above. Definitely got more in me, seeing as this was at the end of a tough session. Looking forward to seeing what I can achieve next.
Throughout the session I’ve developed some sort of tender bruised lump inside my right knee, which I think may be another pressure injury and I’ve got some more attractive bruising on my thighs where the leg of the suit was. Less bruising in my hip crease than normal, so maybe the suit is getting too loose!

Coach has started talking more and more about getting me onto an international platform, and in particular going to the Worlds in Hungary in the autumn. Doing my first equipped competition mid-april at the GBPF south-west divisional, where we’re hoping that I’ll be seen and selected. The pressure is mounting, but I’m prepared!

Stretching out the bar


Great bench session tonight, really feeling strong at the moment and like I’m really getting somewhere.
Got some raw work in before moving onto equipped, pre-exhausted again with 35kg for 15 then did 7 sets of 7, 2 sets at 40kg and 5 sets at 42.5kg, then another 15 at 35kg (more like a 14 and a 1 though). A tough session which definitely worked me hard, as the sweat patches on the bench would suggest! Ew!
Wriggled my way into a bench shirt with the aid of some of my lovely team mates, I’d say today was the best positioning I’ve had yet. Worked up to 65kg with a block, then moved back down to 60kg working with progressively smaller blocks. Finished up the session with 62.5kg onto my chest, didn’t quite get it down on my first attempt, but then on the second attempt I just about grazed my chest as you can see in this video.
At the end of a tough session, knackered, in pain and being choked by the neck of the shirt I’d say this was a pretty good attempt.
I’ve always been advised to try and feel like I’m ‘stretching out the bar’ when bringing it down to my chest in order to keep my elbows back and get the correct line, and I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of this now, and have it on good authority that I’m improving. Yay!
Feeling a bit battered now, got some painful bruising and sores on my arms from the shirt and a headache and eye-ache from the pressure and light choking that went on. Looking forward to my bed that’s for sure. Deadlifts tomorrow, watch this space.